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TiFi Helios Spinorama measurement graphs. About Spinorama methodology read here.


Largest angle where average SPL is still higher than - 6 dB compared to On-Axis in frequency range of 1 - 10 kHz.

  • Horizontal directivity: -/+ 70 degrees.
  • Vertical directivity: down -60, up +60 degrees.

On-Axis *

On Axis

On-Axis Tolerance: +0.7 dB, -0.8 dB

On-Axis tolerance

Predicted In Room

Predicted In Room

Predicted In Room Tolerance: +0.8 dB, -1.5 dB

Predicted In Room Tolerance

Listening Spot Graphs




Horizontal Reflections *

Horizontal Reflections

Vertical Reflections

Vertical Reflections


 All listening spot graphs in close range. As common for multy-way speaker vertical reflections have some variation. Selectable from DSP are two bass heavier profiles, and one reduced bass profile.


* On-Axis and Horizontal reflections are measured in direction of average listening spot for 3 m distance at height of 1.2 m (that is vertically raising angle 7 degrees).

Spinorama is measured in a room one meter distance, with sound level normalized to 85 dB On-Axis, with a 4.8 ms gating window, which allows the direct sound of the speaker to be measured but reduces measurement resolution at lower frequencies.

Lower frequencies are measured on-axis, 2m away, in an open room using the Ground Plane method, with sound level normalized to 1m 85 dB for an open room.

The frequency response graphs are merged based on the average sound frequencies on the Spinorama axis and the Ground plane axis at 201 Hz, forming a unified graph. Spinorama angle graphs are replaced with a corrected graph below 201 Hz. Angle corrections are made using a diffraction model based on the dimensions of the speaker and loudspeaker, normalized to the actual Spinorama angle measurement result at 201 Hz.

After Spinorama calculations, the graphs are rounded to 1/12 dB.

The measurements should be considered preliminary. The small peaks and differences in the graphs +/- 2 dB are not reliable, but the overall shape of the graphs and the characteristics of the speakers are described accurately with the initial measurements.